MDVC Study

McGill Domestic Violence Clinic file review: Developing a profile of service users from 2016-2021

The aim of the current study is to generate a database from which to create an aggregate profile of individuals who have sought services for intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration at the McGill Domestic Violence Clinic (MDVC) and the Montreal Anger Management Clinic (MAMC) over the past 5 years. The information gathered in the Intake Assessment is used for assessing suitability for clinic services (individuals with extensive mental health and/or substance abuse treatment service needs may be screened out), generating a comprehensive psychosocial history relevant to IPV, and developing a treatment plan for accepted service users. To date, no research has been conducted with these assessments, which hold a wealth of information about Anglophone IPV perpetration service seekers and users in Montreal, QC. The development of service seeker and service user profiles will allow the clinic to better understand who seeks access to their services, and who may or may not gain access to their services. This information will be used to identify unmet needs of Anglophone IPV perpetration intervention service seekers. Furthermore, information from the profile analysis generated from the database will be used to inform current intervention approaches at the clinics by providing group-level data on the prevalence of relevant psychosocial factors such as types of IPV perpetrated, child protection service involvement, history of family violence, etc. Findings from the database generated in this study will also make a valuable contribution to the existing knowledge base regarding individuals seeking IPV perpetration services.

Principal Investigator: Katherine Maurer

McGill REB# 21-08-010

Research Collaborators: James, Derrolton

Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – McGill Development Grant.